Each May through October, there is a fun local outdoor vendor market that sets up in the parking lot of a nearby mall. It's called
A Paris Street Market and it has a lot of fun things to see (and buy if you're so inclined). It's typically held the first Saturday of each month, and what do you know...this past weekend was the first Market for the 2011 season. I love going because you see new things each time, dogs are welcome, and it's held outdoors so you feel like you're taking advantage of the nice weather without having to exert yourself TOO much. :)
I've been successful at finding just the perfect thing in the past ~ there's one guy who sells GREAT refinished furniture pieces at REALLY reasonable prices ~ I've bought a dresser and an end table from him over the years.
There are old books, quilts, dishes, furniture, suitcases, windows etc...as well as new items...jewelry, clothes, hats, crafts etc....but there are always new and different things to see. There have been many times my friends and I have commented to one another, 'My grandparents used to have those...' so it's fun to reminisce. Granted, there are SOME things you find and think, 'I wonder which Goodwill they bought THAT from' so you have to be discerning in what you're looking for, but it can be a fun way to 'treasure hunt' if you're a collector of something in particular.
Saturday was one of the first 80+ degree days we've had in Colorado and MANY people were out and about. I brought the boys with me because I knew they'd enjoy getting outside, and I knew they would be a good deterrent for me from being able to shop TOO much as it's easier to just wander up and down the middle of the rows with two pooches than it is to actually get in to each of the vendor booths (plus there MAY have been an incident last year where I got too close to the furniture guy's booth and Dave MAY have mistaken a piece of furniture for a fire hydrant...thankfully I had Lysol wipes handy and the vendor was VERY understanding). :)
Here are a few pictures of things that caught my eye...
This was one of the boys favorite places...
Dave may be more ready for Alaska than I thought...whenever we got to a place with shade, he immediately plopped down into his 'Superman' pose...
and as soon as we got back to the car, he made a beeline for whatever shade he could find...
Saturday was a success - lots of looking, but no buying given
my recent vehicle expenses and being in the midst of packing/downsizing. I'm just about ready to start counting down the days...for now I'll tell you it's only 7 weeks until the adventure begins!! :)