Sunday, February 26, 2012


When I was in Denver in December, I upgraded my cell phone and finally joined the land of iphone of the features of the newest model is "Siri", the virtual assistant that allows you to dictate texts, emails, reminders or ask for directions or restaurant locations or pretty much anything you want.  I've only just begun exploring what it has to offer, but I'm convinced the name "Siri" is short for 'Seriously' in did you SERIOUSLY just ask me to look that up?  I'm sure at some point there will be a site or blog dedicated to strange questions and requests asked of Siri...

My most recent request?  "What does moose poop look like?"  It's been awhile since I've seen any I'd mentioned before, with all of the snow we've received this season, the moose have been forced to search for food further down into the city....on my way home from work one morning last week, I finally saw one walking along the road...only the second one I've seen since December....but then, a couple of nights later, as I left the house and made my way down the hill, I saw what looked like large piles of rabbit (BIG rabbit) pellets in three separate places...which led to my inquiry...
and here's an interesting (admittedly that may be debatable to some people) fact...moose poop looks different in the spring/summer than it does in the fall/winter because their diet changes...more grass in the spring/summer, and more bark/leaves/fiber in the fall/ you get 'cow patty' piles in the summer and 'rabbit pellet' poops in the winter.  :)

My point of all this?  It's a sign to me that spring is S-L-O-W-L-Y coming...the moose say so...

and yes, I just blogged about moose poop...another first for me! :)

------------ U P D A T E --------------
We had some visitors on Friday...Duncan has not forgotten how to alert me...
Welcome back! :)

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm impressed that you have such stealth tracker abilities after less than a year in Alaska! :)